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A failed experiment with dominator trees · Exploring heap dumps I have investigated many heap dumps over the years, and I usually switch back and forth...
In this article I run the new LeakCanary toolkit against the Slack Android app. Read on to learn a bunch! A new LeakCanary toolkit In two months, I...
Today I was mob programming with Square's Mobile & Performance Reliability team and we toyed with an interesting idea. Our codebase has classes that...
Demystifying the internals of DI libraries · Dependency Injection libraries are powerful tools, but they're often also intimidating & confusing. When...
I'm writing a blog series on ANR internals, where I'll use ANRs as an excuse to learn more about how various parts of Android work. This first article...
In Statistically Rigorous Android Macrobenchmarks, I laid out a methodology for rigorously comparing the outcome of two Jetpack Macrobenchmark runs....